Third Steering Committee

From the 18th to the 19th of November, the NATO Space COE hosted its 5th Steering Committee, bringing together representatives from the 15 sponsoring nations.

The 15 national representatives of the Sponsoring Nations and Space Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) from NATO Allied Command Transformation (ACT) and Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE), came together to get informed about the development of the NATO Space COE and to validate the important documents and plannings for 2024.

During the conference, the Roadmap for the upcoming year (Program of Work) with all planned activities where discussed, balanced with the planned budget and finally approved by the Nations.

As an example, the NATO Space COE will again participate in exercises in 2024 for the benefit of NATO and its Allies, and will strengthen our responsibility to plan and act as Enemy/RED Forces in different exercises to increase the awareness of commanders which action must be taken in the different domains to protect access to space capabilities and maintain lethality on the battlefield.

This meeting was a moment of exchange to agree and continue to provide expertise on Space domain to the benefit of NATO and its Allies. We are looking forward to an eventful and exiting year 2024.

In addition, the NATO Space COE is glad to announce that the Nations approved his Motto: “Per Excellentiam Ad Astra” (Through Excellence to the Stars) !