AsterX exercise 2024

The NATO Space COE supports AsterX 2024: the French Space Command Exercise took place at Toulouse, France, from 4th to 15th of March 2024!

AsterX is a tactical exercise open to International, that promotes the strengthening of military Space cooperation. The objective is to perfect the training in a complex and credible simulated Space environment, international and multi-domain.

The participation of the NATO Space COE in AsterX reflects the importance of Space to NATO as an essential operational environment for the preservation of collective security.

Despite its ramp-up phase, the NATO Space COE already provides support to its sponsoring Nations. Indeed, four COE members participate as players, two of whom are involved in the RED Force and two others in the Lessons team.

This participation in AsterX strengthens our experience in the management of Aggressor Cells particularly, for which the COE is destined to have the lead in future NATO exercises!